My writings about email & all other things I want to highlight that my friends and family are sick of hearing about (my mom will deny this).
Slow Emails Volume 4
Missed my last slow email? Catch up on my recap of email updates and tools I’ve been using over the past month
Anchor links in email: the intricacies
Anchor links are widely known on the web, but why aren’t they widely known in emails?
Countdown timers: mpp’s latest email fatality
Slow Emails Volume 3
Missed my last slow email? Catch up on my recap of email updates and tools I’ve been using over the past month
A/B testing: image placement
Let’s unpack A/B testing image placement within an email & how to translate results into future strategy.
Email List growth strategies - restaurants
Looking to drive restaurant reservations and build a community of food lovers? You can utilize email for this!
Slow Emails Volume 2
Missed my last slow email? Catch up on my recap of email updates and tools I’ve been using over the past month.
Slow Emails Volume 1
Missed my last slow email? Catch up on my recap of email updates and tools I’ve been using over the past month.
Hiding opens with Apple’s new update
Apple’s latest privacy update in September 2021 is going to change the way email marketers measure engagement.
A simple guide to a/b testing
Are you testing for the right reasons, or wasting time?
MailChimp Vs. Klaviyo
Comparing the basics of MailChimp vs. Klaviyo.
Email tools you need to know about
Email tools you should be taking note of.