Slow Emails Volume 6

Missed a slow email? Catch up below.

Subject Line: Slow for some, fast if you just signed up

A slow email that probably took longer than it should to write, and send.

I launched a chrome extension!
If you write email subject lines do you just ballpark the length and hope it doesn't cut off? Or do you cross-reference some internal document you've created for yourself with various devices and the character lengths that subject lines might cut off with? I caught myself doing both... so I created an easy to use Chrome extension that allows you to highlight text, and toggle the extension that will tell you if you are at risk of cutting off on devices...

Introducing: Email Characters!

Since launching, I have 78 users!! I am doing a big excited dance about this. If you happen to use it can you let me know what you think, what it's missing, and what you'd want to see?

Ok back to normal content
As always, I break my email up into two sections:

  1. Throwing Rocks in which I throw metaphorical rocks at email-related topics and break down concepts with said rocks. To be clear, this is not meant to be negative in any sense, and is meant to raise questions of "is this update really that bad?" or find answers to "should I be sending a newsletter because everyone else is?".

  2. Cool Tools - meant to be self-explanatory in nature and highlights great email tools that have caught my eye over the past month or so.

Throwing Rocks
Is EVERY brand on the planet doing a Black Friday campaign this year? As a consumer, I'm overwhelmed and taking the swipe-to-delete approach. As a marketer, I'm seeing lower opens, click-through rates, and conversions across automations and one-off sends. For brands running promotions, I don't want to see an email from you if I haven't been engaged at all in the last 6-months.

Cool Tools & Other Cool Stuff
Gmail Clipping
Do you ever shake your fist at the sky when you realize that your email has clipped on Gmail and you had no idea? Or alternatively, do you hate sending a test send, downloading the email, and manually referencing the weight to see if it sits under the 102kb Gmail limit? Beehiv has built in a clipping warning during email creation which is SO great to see. More ESP's need this! Go beehiv.

Digital Summit
I'm speaking at Digital Summit next Thursday, December 2nd (HOW is it already December).

We have a full Deep Dive into Email lined up and I'll be presenting a case study from my 9-5 job Invoice2go on how we use email to build long-term relationships. Lots of fun examples that I'll be walking through, and no fluffy stats like "I increased conversion by 175% in 1-day" - *in the voice of Kristen Wiig* "oh, you diiiidd??".

That's all from me. I mainly just wanted to share my chrome extension and then I wrote/complained about some other stuff.

Happy Thanksgiving to my American neighbors, and Happy Hanukkah to those that are celebrating coming up on Sunday!



Why your sender address matters


Slow Emails Volume 5