Slow Emails Volume 5

Missed a slow email? Catch up below.

Subject Line: Slow for some, fast if you just signed up

A slow email that probably took longer than it should to write, and send.

As always, I break my email up into two sections:

  1. Throwing Rocks in which I throw metaphorical rocks at email-related topics and break down concepts with said rocks. To be clear, this is not meant to be negative in any sense, and is meant to raise questions of "is this update really that bad?" or find answers to "should I be sending a newsletter because everyone else is?".

  2. Cool Tools - meant to be self-explanatory in nature and highlights great email tools that have caught my eye over the past month or so.

Throwing Rocks
Apple's MPP Recap
How is Apple's Mail Privacy Protection update impacting email a month-ish in?

  • 97% of users that upgrade to iOS15 opt into MPP

  • Content is only pre-fetched with the recipient is on wifi and plugged into a power source, and not on low power mode

  • When do people usually plug their devices in? Nighttime.

  • Spikes in opens are being seen in the middle of the night because of this.

More on this here from Tom Kulzer.

Where do your subscribers land from your CTA?
A question I've been asking myself a lot recently is, is there is a better way to increase conversion by optimizing the on-site experience once a subscriber lands on your website or product (the answer is duh - yes - but as an email marketer, does that responsibility rely on me to flag)? During email QA, I usually ask myself the question did the CTA work? But I rarely spend the time to guide the product team on how to optimize this experience. Why is there oftentimes such a disjoint between marketing, and product? Who bridges that gap in your organization?

Cool Tools & Other Cool Stuff
Elevating a basic email template
I oftentimes will meet with a brand that wants me to just "make an email look better" - when in reality, the issue is rooted in the brand just not taking their out-of-the-box template one step further. You don't have to have a skilled developer, or graphic designer with 10+ years of experience to make your email look better in the inbox. I wrote about 5-tactics here.
If you are like me and using the lasso tool in Photoshop can easily become both the best and worst part of your day, thank me later. is only of the newest fun tools I've found as of late to remove mundane objects from your photos.

FINALLY an email code builder specific to email. Enough of trying to figure out if traditional HTML & CSS that works on websites, can work on email.

Opting out of Mothers Day comms
Remember a few months ago when every brand on earth sent comms asking if you wanted to be left out of Mothers Day emails?

Penguin Random House hit the nail on the head with this email content preference piece. Allowing you as the end user to let the brand know if you want comms now, in two weeks, in a month, or last-minute.

This email doesn't scream "Christmas" or "Sale" - it's appealing to my eyes and I'm grateful for that.

Although not all ESP's offer the ability to retarget based on specific link click, I'm truly obsessed with the technique this brand has applied.

That's it from me! My thoughts go out to all marketers partaking in Black Friday Cyber Monday in two weeks- with basically every business these days doing it, and many customers still feeling the financial strain that COVID has placed us as consumers, don't put too much stress on yourselves to blow this one out of the park. At the end of the day it's

~ just email ~



Slow Emails Volume 6


How to Elevate your basic email template