Slow emails volume 10

As always, I break my email up into two sections:

  1. Throwing Rocks in which I throw metaphorical rocks at email-related topics and break down concepts with said rocks. To be clear, this is not meant to be negative in any sense, and is meant to raise questions of "is this update really that bad?" or find answers to "should I be sending a newsletter because everyone else is?".

  2. Cool Tools - meant to be self-explanatory in nature and highlights great email tools that have caught my eye over the past month or so.

Throwing Rocks
April Fools
Am I the ONLY one that woke up on April 1st, to a handful of emails and could not for the life of me differentiate what was real and not real? I was going to write an article about this but I think saying it here is enough. I LOVE a joke, but I need the joke to be clear, or for marketers to maybe pick a different day to send their price increase notification emails.

Center-Aligned Text
See meme below, or check out this article on left-aligned best practices. Why is center alignment difficult when it comes to long body paragraphs of text?

  1. It's hard to follow - the way your eyes naturally follow text can become disrupted with center alignment

  2. It looks like poetry odes you'd write in elementary schoolo I've started to map out where I want my career to go, and what I like to do, and it's been fun.

Cool Tools & Other Cool Stuff
Cool Tools & Other Cool Stuff
Webinar - Creating content as a team: advice from expert email marketers (me)
Come join me, and Jen Capstraw where we're sitting down with the BEE team to talk about mistakes we've made over our time as marketers. Am I crazy for outing myself like this? Probably.
Have you used Braze, Iterable, or Then you've probably used their drag and drop builder, which is actually a white-labeled! Powerful automation tools can be scary when starting out with email marketing. I was lucky enough to start my career using MailChimp (via exporting HTML from Postscript - can't remember why we did this but alas). Or maybe it was vice versa...but anyways, BEE is an amazing tool and I encourage all marketers to get familiar with it!

Pausing emails - the new way to opt-out
Earlier this year I conceptualized an email subscription preference center that was inclusive of pausing and categories. I am thrilled to announce that the Parcel team helped me bring this idea to life and as a marketer it's not my goal to get you to unsubscribe from any of our comms, I certainly am eager to give you the capabilities to choose your own preferences!

That is all from me.

I'll be based out of the UK for the rest of April + May, if you are around, come say hi to me at UNSPAM!



Why you should avoid using “click here” in your email copy


Building emails with